Archive for the ‘photography’ Category

Hi Everyone, One thing I love in Long Exposure photography is the trails stars can leave in images. This quick tutorial will let you know the factors you need to get great results. Firstly, I think you need to see the photography I’m talking about, (if you haven’t already seen it, or imagined it). This […]

Hey Reader, I’m sorry that as usual I haven’t been posting very much, well, that’s that, I don’t often get that much done, as I’m very busy. But I thought I’d throw together a quickie on Portraiture. It is probably one of my favourite subjects in photography, and I think, when done well, it is […]

Hey Reader, Now, I’m sure many of you have heard of the rule of thirds, and I thought that because it is such, ‘genius’, I should write a short but sweet post on it. The rule of thirds is the most simple but effective thing that you can do to enhance your photography, and it […]

Hello Reader, I hope you’re doing well, and I thought I’d get a nice lens review in here, as it’s been quite desolate for a while. The lens that will be under the microscope will be the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II, which is a budget lens, although it with-holds a very nice surprise. So […]

Hey Guys, I just was taking a great HDR image, and I thought that a lot of people still ask me, ‘Wow, how did you do that?!’ So, I thought, time for a blog post! Anyway, this guide will quickly cover the basics for making interesting HDR images. By the way, HDR stands for ‘High […]

Hi Everyone, Well, Christmas is almost upon us, personally I just finished decorating the tree, and it put me in a very holiday-ish mood, and anyway, I’ve always had a thing for Time-Lapse photography, but I’ve never been able to do it with my Fuji, so, upon looking forward to Christmas, I’m even more excited […]

Hello Everyone, I thought I’d just write a quick one to cover the functions of most vaguely advanced cameras. (Here meaning, SLRs, and Prosumer cameras, check out which cameras there are, HERE). There are some modes that can help make a subtle difference to your pictures, and also make it easier on you. I will […]

Hey Everyone, Continuing in this 101 theme, I thought I’d bring up the idea of lens magnification and the such, a lot of people think that they’ll get the best zoom because it says: 8x or the like on the side of the barrel, this may not always be the case, and I’ll write a […]

Hey Everyone, I’ve had the N73 for a couple of days now, and all I can say is that I’m nothing short of amazed. It is a simply incredible phone, with a feature set to blow your mind, and a camera as good as your proper digital camera, to an extent 🙂 Ease of Use======== […]

Software to Use


Hey Guys, After intermittent posting, of which not much was actually on topic, I think it is about time for a useful post, this one will be about software that you can use on your computer to aid in your photography, whether they be organising software, editing or otherwise. I’ll start with a list summary, […]